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Thesis - Asymptomatic Left Ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction in patients of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus of 1 to 10 years duration


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Evidence Documents for Higher Specialty Training Application

As part of my application to higher specialty training (HST) in the UK, I have decided to collect all evidence documents and publish them online. I already have them stored on my hard drive but I thought it would be helpful to others who are also interested in applying to HST at a later date. A link to the revised application scoring criteria , applicable from November 2022 for the 2023 academic recruitment (August 2023 to December 2023) is here Edited - 26 October 2023 Images from the application scoring criteria are shown below for easier understanding. Text highlighted in green applies to my application, highlighted in yellow/orange is what is possible before I submit my application (such as scoring a full 8/8 for MRCP UK; scoring 8/8 for a publication as first author). My scores in all areas of the application are highest, except in Additional achievements, for which I can only get 1 point and score for training in teaching is likely to be the same at 2 points. The domains in the p

A Paradigm Shift - Reflections from Blinded Assessment of Online Learning Portfolios of MBBS Students

Another academic year has passed and a fresh batch of interns has arrived, and with each passing year, I feel 'academically older' and feel like I'm from the distant past. Inconspicuously, I have found myself wearning rose-tinted glasses on my hindisght and see my yesteryears as 'those glory days'. However, system 2 thinking takes over and I quickly realise that I was (and am) as the current crop of students are - incomplete, yearning to learn, with some sense of fear and insecurity as to what the future beholds. I was recently invited, along with my dear wife Dr. Madhavi Latha, to provide a blinded assessment of 32 students who just took their final MBBS exams, by assessing their long case, short case and seeing their performance recorded on video (only some students' videos were reviewed). The goal of this project is to compare their performance on their learning portfolios, to their university marks/assessment . The paradigm shift is in how we've moved fr